Monday, January 31, 2022

How Vetmedin is Helpful in Treating CHF in dogs

CHF in dogs can be heart wrenching. Well, it can be managed with Vetmedin. It is available in both capsule and tablet form. Here’s more about how Vetmedin treats CHF, its side effects and difference between tablet and capsule.

It is undeniably heart wrenching to hear from the veterinarian that your four legged furry friend is suffering with CHF (Congestive Heart Failure).

Functions of Vetmedin

Well, thanks to the advancements in veterinary science, you need not despair. Odds are high that the vet would have prescribed Vetmedin chewable tablets for dogs. It is an FDA approved drug, available both in capsule and tablet form. It performs important functions like:

  • Strengthening the pet’s heart muscles
  • Decreasing blood pressure
  • Treating dogs with CHF or act as a preventative for pets with asymptomatic heart disease.
  • Supports the heart in pumping blood in the body throughout the day.

Side Effects of Vetmedin

It is an RX drug and should not be administered without being advised by the vet. Typically, a vet on examination confirms the disease and prescribes the drug. In most cases, it is administered for Fido’s lifetime to provide it with a healthy and comfortable life, while curbing progression of heart diseases.

Although it is tolerated well by most canines, it occasionally shows some side effects. The more common ones observed range from vomiting to diarrhea to reduction in appetite. Lethargy, weakness, in coordination and breathing difficulties are other side effects often observed. Well, the first thing pet parents must do on observing any of these is visit the veterinarian as soon as possible. They will advice whether or not to continue the medicine, replace it, and change the dose. On the other hand, when tolerated well, administration is mostly continued for the pet’s entire lifetime.

Vetmedin is known to treat the symptoms of CHF and give Fido a healthier, more comfortable and longer life.

Vetmedin Capsules and Tablets

The wonder drug is available in the form of chewable tablets and capsules. Both are available in various doses. It can be bought depending on the prescription given by the vet. Well, tablets can be broken into half to match the dose advised. The same cannot be done with capsules as they cannot be split. So, capsules must be bought in the dose as precisely advised by the veterinarian. For instance: Vetmedin capsules are not available in 10 mg dose. So, a furry friend receiving 10 mg dose of the drug has to take two doses of 5 mg capsules. Both tablets and capsules are equally effective in treating the symptoms. Both are administered twice in a day, with a gap of 12 hours between every dose. Split tablets can be stored for the next dosage. A word of caution for pet owners is that if a dose is missed, it should not be added to the next dose.

Pet parents often question the time of effectiveness of Vetmedin. On administering this medicine, changes in the mute animal’s behavior can be observed in a week. In asymptomatic cases, the signs are not visible even before the onset of the treatment. So, signs of improvement also cannot be seen. However, parents can be sure that the drug when given appropriately not only extends the symptom free time, but also prevents the heart diseases from further progression. So, Vetmedin is undoubtedly the savior of pets suffering with CHF.

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