Friday, May 27, 2016

Order pet Meds Online only after Checking the Genuineness of the Seller

Enter the symptoms and behold! You are bombarded with pages and pages of information about the possible diseases and problems your beloved pet dog may be going through. What’s more; a manuscript with details about the medicine used for treatment, its advantages and side effects will soon pop up on the screen. Moreover, you also have the choice of ordering these medicines online.

 Lo! Your pet is treated without the need to step out of the house.

This is the reach of the World Wide Web, which most of us cannot do without.

However, the immediate question that pops up is- “How safe is it to treat your pet without the professional intervention of a veterinarian”?

Yes, online pet meds are the order of the day. Of course, if the convenience is available, why not use it?

Points to Ponder

Remember that the convenience is offered for ordering medicines online and not for self-treatment and self-medication of the dog. In fact, the genuine online pharmacies do not accept orders placed without the veterinarian’s prescription. However, there are a few unscrupulous ones who sell medicines online at prices much lower than the other pharmacies. They sell fake or expired drugs, which often harm the pet’s health significantly.

So, although you use the convenience of ordering pet meds online, ensure that you order from genuine pharmacies like Petrx2go. Rx drugs like Vetoryl for dogs, Vetmedin or Novox should not be given in the absence of a veterinarian’s advice.

Once prescribed by the vet, you can conveniently order these medicines online from from the vicinity of your house.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Switch the Itch Away!

Only pet owners can understand the heart ache of witnessing their beloved pet in distress. Whether it is an illness, allergy or poor health, it certainly pains the owner. So is it when the pet finds no relief from scratching and itching continuously; often in a way that his skin thins down and looks moth-eaten eventually. 

Why ITCH? 
As common as allergy is in human beings, so is it in dogs. Dogs are also allergic to either environmental factors or certain food items. Well, pet owners whose dogs have food allergy are in luck. Eliminating the food from the diet and minimum medication helps the dog find quick and significant relief. However, if the cause of allergy are environmental contaminants, which are beyond control, then what should pet owners do? Is there no other alternative apart from seeing the pet suffer? 

Happy Pets

There’s good news for pet owners. Atopica for dogs is a proven medicine to treat allergies and itchiness in dogs effectively. However, avoid administering this medicine without the vet’s advice.
So, visit the vet when you see your pet dog suffering from an allergy. Often, vets prescribe soothing shampoos and lotions. If the problem is superficial and temporary, then these cosmetics provide relief. However, if it is a serious allergy, then the vet will put your dog on Atopica, to ensure complete relief from allergies and itchiness.
If your pet is also troubled with an allergy, visit a vet NOW. Medicines prescribed by the vet are now easily available at