Monday, February 29, 2016

Cure for Canine’s Crushing Syndrome

In dogs, diabetes, liver problems, crushing syndrome and kidney disease, all four manifest themselves in symptoms such as unnatural thirst and frequent urination. After diagnosis, if your vet says that your dog is suffering from crushing disease, it ought to be treated at the earliest, or else may give cause to the other three.
Hyperadrenocorticism or crushing syndrome occurs in dogs that are in their middle or old ages and are prone to tumors. This, however, does not mean that younger dogs will never acquire it. This is something which is caused by the excess production of cortisol, a natural steroid hormone. It is generally secreted when the dog is stressed or when blood glucororiticoids level is low. This results in increased blood sugar and low immune system. This disease cannot be cured completely, but there are ways to manage it. 

This disease originates from tumors, excess use of glucorticoid drugs or steroids and andrenocorticotophic hormone or ACTH, which is produced by a hyperactive pituitary gland. 80% of the Crushings in dogs are caused by a harmlessly small tumor on the pituitary gland. 15% of it is caused by a tumor on either one or both the adrenal glands. Almost 50% of these tumors are non-malignant. 

There are many signs that your dog may exhibit if afflicted with this ailment. These are:
·         Increased appetite
·         A pot belly appearance
·         Sudden weight gain
·         Shortness of breath and excessive panting
·         Loss of hair due to excessive shedding
·         Anxiety and restlessness
·         Mood swings
·         Ear, skin and urinary tract infections

Boxers, Boston Terriers, Beagles, German Shepherds, Jack Russells, Golden Retrievers, Poodles Scottish and Yorkshire Terriers are some of the breeds that are most prone to this disease. Vetoryl for dogs is a common medication for this. It is an andrenosuppressant and has been reported to be safe and effective on your pets.

Monday, February 15, 2016

For the Love of Pets

If you are a pet lover, you are surely going to take care of it more than your own self and spend a lot of time pampering it with expensive pet gifts and cuddling it with tender caresses. The moment you make up your mind to take home a pet, you prepare yourself to look after its well being. At the same time you make sure that you are capable of taking care of it, both physically and financially, so as to consistently fulfill all its needs. 

 It’s the three Cs- care, concern and cash that will ascertain whether you are a responsible guardian to your foster ‘son’ or ‘daughter’. At the same time, you ought to keep in mind your own limitations and needs, especially when it is about health matters. For example, if you are allergic top pet furs, it is advisable to keep it out of your bedroom and appoint a professional trainer to take care of all the details. 

 It is a cause of great concern if your pet falls sick and to see your ‘love’ in pain causes you great distress.  A domestic animal may be reticent in showing signs of illness (it can’t complain like us, can it?). When the symptoms actually start showing themselves, it is often late. They suffer silently, and hence you need to take all sorts of guards to protect it from catching a disease. Vet vaccinations are a must for all pets and save them from catching a dangerous illness. Finding out hidden injuries, detecting medical conditions and vaccinating your pets on a regular basis are reasons enough to visit a veterinarian every once in a while. 

A good way to keep your pet healthy and fit is to make sure it is not infected with worms and fleas. Cuts and sores, if not treated in due time may lead to severe health consequences. A number of prescribed as well as non-prescribed medicines can help in improving your pet’s health. Cheap pet meds are available on online pet shops. These pet pharmacies are quite convenient and save a lot of money.